Monday, April 13, 2015

Journal 4: Blankets Book Trailer

Blankets by Craig Thompson
Typically a trailer for anything whether it’s a video game, movie, book, or sporting event gives brief background information, a slight summary, but never reveals the ending.  I like to think of trailers as the ultimate definition of, judging a “book” by its “cover.” Within two short minutes or so, I know if what I am watching is worth investing my time into the entire contents the preview is revealing. Until now I was pretty much unaware trailers about books were a “thing.” Books/Novels, in my opinion, are much more difficult to advertise and describe in a trailer because they are very complex and time consuming.  An effective trailer, one which reveals the most appealing themes of the book, would be successful in attracting readers. 

The graphic novel Blankets by Craig Thompson as it sits on a shelf, again in my opinion, would not appear to a wide variety of readers.  It appears as if it is a large comic book. The story within the pages is best told through the images by Craig Thompson and an effective trailer would convey so.  As the novel follows the path of Craig’s life from childhood, through adolescent and teenage years the trailer would briefly explain this growth.  Next most importantly would be the rise of his faith and the ultimate dissipation of his devotion to a more personal relationship with God. (this is a personal struggle many people of religion can relate to) As the writer of the trailer I would try to exclude the radical methods of parenting conveyed by Craig but rather include the relationship and growing apart he experienced with his brother.  Also something many individuals can relate to.  However, the most important aspect of the story to include in the trailer is the love story and relationship between Craig and Raina.  Readers of all genres enjoy a love story because it is the only aspect of life without relativity and can be felt without boundaries. To be effective in the novel trailer, I would not reveal the result of the relationship, but rather leave it up to the reader to discover on their own. For the aspect of suspense is the attraction intended by the trailer. 

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