Thursday, February 5, 2015

"Disconnected" Blog Post Response

In the film Disconnected made in 2007 I was very impressed with how long the students went without using a computer.  I honestly would have cheated on the third day.  Not because I don't have discipline but because being a student now requires daily computer use. I know for a fact I would never be able to use a type writer, and I don't even know where to find one anymore.  I was shocked to see flip phones and such pixelated games.  We are all so used to high resolution and such aesthetic digital styling it is amazing how far we have come in such a short period of time.

Computers in college were the forefront for changing the way students on all levels learn.  Because of that college is the most reliant on the use of computers.  Almost every class I have ever taken has had 100% of the assignments online or required computer use.  If there would be one thing I could give up it is social media on the computer.  To me, social media is the biggest distraction from the tasks at hand.  I would get homework done sooner and I would probably learn more efficiently if I excluded social media from my daily routine.  However, unlike a drug addiction, it won’t kill me and until it does I don’t see myself giving it up just for the convenience factor.  Contacting university professionals and other students is best done through campus sites and integrating that into a sort of social media platform may actually be more beneficial. Emails, D2L, and online resources are now a necessity and they make college easier as well as more beneficial and efficient.


  1. I agree that college curriculum is so strongly connected to computer and internet use. I also agree that giving up my computer would be such a challenge due to our need for them to get assignments done and turned in or contact professors. I wish that I could give up social media because I feel that I could also getting school work and other things done in better time and more effectively.

  2. Agreed college assignments now an days are based on the ability to use technology. There is no way I would be able to pass my classes without my laptop. But like Lindsey said I wish I could give up some of my social media.
