Thursday, January 29, 2015


Highly Overdue by Pak X Emh

Highly Overdue by Pak X Emh

vurb moto & community reaction

The album Highly Over due by the group Pak X Emh is an important album to me because the members of the group are very closely involved with the motocross industry. One member with the alias Justin Lucas actually has a Monster Energy Supercross title to his resume. His name is Justin Bogle and is someone that I look up to. He has a positive attitude and a hardworking personality. He has impressed many critics in our sport with on the bike talent as well as off the bike talent. He has great lyrics and musical talent. This album the week it debuted was as high as no.2 on the iTunes best sellers list. That list included top artists like Rick Ross and Lil Wayne. No matter what genre of music you prefer, anyone can agree it is very impressive that a private record made in spare time by a professional athlete is impressive. What stands out the most to me are his lyrics and beats which always motivate me to achieve the most I can and do the best to my ability 100% of the time.